London 1981


The End, Reardon Path, Wapping, 1981
29g-54: street, flats, Tower Hamlets,

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I think this was on Reardon Path or very close to this. The flats in the background are a part of the 1926 Wapping Housing Estate slum clearance scheme mentioned in a previous note.
This estate is one that, unlike around 200 others in London, has so far escaped the clutches of property developers who have colluded with local councils, mainly Labour councils, in so-called 'regeneration' projects which have resulted in huge losses of homes available at council rents in the city with the wholesale demolition of estates such as the Heygate estate at the Elephant, and continuing close by in the Aylesbury Estate, where only a handful of the replacements of thousands of properties are at rents the former population can afford, resulting in a process of social cleansing.
Unlike the schemes that led to the building of estates such as these, which replaced slum areas with houses in a very poor state, most of the estates being demolished are sound and could relatively cheaply be brought up to a better specification than those that are being built to replace them, as they were generally built to high standards for the time of construction. The process is driven by the huge profits that can be made from selling the new units at high market prices and for rent at high market rents.