London 1981


Gravesend Ferry, Gravesend, 1981
29p-21: river, Thames, ferry, church, kent

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Back in the days of film, you never knew quite what to expect when taking pictures into the sun. Sometimes they came out fine and without flare; sometimes the flare added to the effect, and rather too often it completely overpowered the image, as was the case with this picture before a little digital trickery was able to almost rescue it, though I've not entirely removed its effects.
The ferry I was standing on was I think still at the pier, and at right you can see the walkway onto it. The ferry then ran from opposite St George's Church and next to the New Falcon pub, its back at the left of the picture. The pub has reverted to one of its old names as the Rum Puncheon and though the pier is still there as West Street Pier the ferry now runs from the Town Pier a short distance downriver. British Rail disappeared with privatisation and after several changes it is now operated by Jetstream Tours working for the local councils on each bank. I forget how much we paid for tickets in 1981, but the charges now seem fairly reasonable given the time and cost of any alternative route, and with a bus pass I could travel free (except before 9.30 on weekdays), so perhaps it is time for another trip.
St George's Church is most famous for its memorial in the churchyard to Pocohontas, who became ill at the start of a long journey back to her homeland and was buried here.