London 1981


Gravesend, 1981
29p-44: pier, river, thames, ships, chimneys

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This was taken from the pier at Gravesend as we waited for the boat to take us to Tilbury. We didn't have long to wait as a previous image (not on-line) shows the ferry approaching only a few yards from the pier.
In 1981 it was a very industrial scene, with riverside sheds and Hull registered Aquator moored together with the Dutch Vinkeveen and another unidentified vessel, a factory jetty and beyond the chimneys of cement factories, one with a plume of smoke, at Northfleet and Swanscombe.
The jetty is still there, though it has lost some of its superstructure, but the riverside is now lined with flats, and the cement industry is gone, though its giant marks can still clearly be seen on the landscape.