

Pictures copyright: © 2007, Peter Marshall unless stated otherwise.
All pictures here were taken with a Fuji FInepix F31fd digital camera. .

FotoArtFestival Bielsko-Biala 2007








It isn't me holding the bottle!
Etienne, Alex, Franciszek, me and Misha

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FotoArtFestival 2007

At the end of the party we stood in the foyer wondering where to go. Then I meet Franciszek who runs Galeria Wzgorze, where there is an open exhibition accompanying the festival. In 2005 his gallery showed the work of Vasil Stanko, and we also spent a considerable time in the bar there. He suggests that we go to the bar in the neighbouring gallery, but we find it is closed.

Communication is difficult. Franciszek speaks about as much English as I do Polish - zilch. We both have a few words of German, but not enough to hold a conversation. One of his friends however does speak some English, and I gather he has a daughter who lived in Manchester and we exchange a few other pieces of information as our group of photographers makes its way down the hill towards his place in Wzgorze, where he takes us up into the private room in which the 'Open' is on show.

Here I refuse to drink the vodka, and someone buys me a glass of a rather good Polish beer, good enough for me to have some more too. I find the woman I'm sitting next to used to live in Fulham, and speaks perfect English, later go over to talk to one of the Polish photographers. He introduces himself and I find he is Witold Krassowski, and was for some years a member of Network Photographers - until it folded. So we have friends and acquaintances in common - including Barry Lewis, who was the first real photographer I met on while on the teaching course in Leicester that really got me seriously into photography.

I think it's past 2 am by the time we decide to leave, taking a taxi back to the hotel, although thanks to the one-way system its hardly quicker than walking.

(continued on next page.)




FotoArtFestival Diary 2007

Peter Marshall

Bielsko-Biala, October 18-28, 2007

FotoArtFestival Diary 2005
FotoArtFestival2005 on the Wayback Machine

FotoArtFestival - Official Site