

Pictures copyright: © 2007, Peter Marshall unless stated otherwise.
All pictures here were taken with a Fuji FInepix F31fd digital camera. .

FotoArtFestival Bielsko-Biala 2007


  Inez and Andrzej
Me looking rather serious with
and holding the book of Polish photography I was given - with my volunteer Kate. 




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FotoArtFestival 2007

The Opening Ceremony

I go down to the hotel lobby at 6.45, intending to walk to the opening, but someone is there waiting to drive me and Joan Fontcuberta to the opening. The one-way system makes our journey tricky and in the end we scurry out of the car and into the theatre leaving our driver to find somewhere to park.

We are ushered down to the front of the theatre, and I find a spare place in the second row, next to Misha.

After some lengthy Polish introductions, Inez at the microphone works her way along the front two rows, introducing us all in Polish, along with a brief word or two in English, and each of us in turn stands to a barrage of flashes and applause. It's embarrassing, but I take my turn, moving slowly to give the guys behind the camera a break.

Then follows - as in 2005 - the projection of images by each of the featured photographers, accompanied by the incredible playing of pianist Janusz Kohut, working from a score consisting of small images of the pictures. He doesn't content himself with playing the keyboard (although we are treated to some virtuoso work there) but works inside the piano, direct on the strings with various implements, at times also using parts of its body to provide percussion.

Digital projection is very good for some work, but rather less so for others, especially for work of extreme panoramic format. There are actually a few images that I think work better on the screen than on the gallery walls.

Despite the superb quality of the musical performance, the projection was perhaps a little too slow at times. Perhaps one or two more images for each artist would have better suited the overall length.

The Opening Party

But by the end of it I think we were all ready for the party, which included some great food, particularly some finely cooked ham, but many other tasty things.

Part of my survival strategy for Poland is not to touch the vodka. It's a nasty brutish drink that puts you under the table so far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately there wasn't a great choice, and nothing to my taste, so I had a little before turning to coffee.

But parties are really for talking to people (at least once you have satisfied vital bodily needs) and there are plenty of interesting people to meet. I go and introduce myself to Naomi and Nina Rosenblum, and talk for a while about the Photo League and her husband, as well as a few other people I've been in touch with - including Ida Wyman, but there are many others who also want to meet them - and to take photographs, so I leave them, knowing we will have an opportunity to talk later.

Its good also to meet so many people who remember me from my last visit, although hard to remember some of the names, though I manage occasionally to drag something from the pit of memory - so I know Izabela who drove us back to Krakow last time had a studio called 'Black

I was also pleased to be given a fine book of Polish photography in the 20th Century, published by the Polish Federation of Art Photographers (which later I find is rebranding as the Association of Polish Art Photographers, APAP - I hope I've got that right.). I also wrote a short message in the record book of the city archivist.




(continued on next page.)




FotoArtFestival Diary 2007

Peter Marshall

Bielsko-Biala, October 18-28, 2007

FotoArtFestival Diary 2005
FotoArtFestival2005 on the Wayback Machine

FotoArtFestival - Official Site